Thursday, 30 August 2007




I just feel like crying




I could drive over to your house


Intermittent messages

Static -

Might just as well pull over and park

Mirror signal manoeuvre

Pull out

Pull away


or not -

Flying on your motorcycle

Taking notes

Like the Metatron

Could be a make of car

The Mazda Metatron

The Ford Despair

The Opel Mantra

The Daihatsu Stupid.

Wednesday, 29 August 2007



A small series of manipulated family photographs

In essence all of my work begins with reference to personal and family history -

Sometimes overt -

Sometimes more opaque or obscure -

For me memory is a vital resource, even though it is often unreliable and fragmentary -

Obscured by the clouds of time -

For all of us the family photographic archive is a window on the past and a key to remembering - Proof that we exist and are connected -

Linked to the flow of time -

As recordings of family events, usually recalled as happy occasions, birthdays, weddings, a new car and the like, photographs serve as an adjunct to memory - Communal experience of ritual and tradition - Collective memory -

Helping us to own the past -

Often these images are captured with haste, quickly, before the candles are blown out or the smile vanishes. Subsequently they are often awkwardly framed, badly lit - Off kilter - For me this adds another dimension which, in these images, I am attempting to emphasise by selecting even tighter croppings and bringing attention to hidden or easily ignoreable details on the edges, marginalised - Exploring a barely extant landscape with indistinct tools - Faulty memory and the fact that I did not take the photographs in the first place -

Rejected: Through forgetting -

Re-collected: Through remembering -

Projected: Through editing and recombining -

Simon Hope
August 2007

R/R/P 01

a small series of manipulated family photographs

Friday, 24 August 2007

Saturday, 18 August 2007

Monday, 6 August 2007

Pool car

Nissan Primera 2.0 SLX

J reg, 86,000 miles MOT til Feb 08 Taxed til end Aug.

The last piece of the carculture jigsaw is in place. Now I can go driving!

Azzurri Di Ripristino

Duwaynes visit to Italy in search of rare metal.

Road rage personified

Trouble on the flyover.