Friday, 24 August 2007

Routine enquiries


The Lone Beader® said...

This is cool! Did you make this?? And, was it previously a black cab?? :D

Also, thanks for stoppin by today:) Yes, I'm makin a Triumph GT6. Glad U like it. Please stop by again sometime. Cheers from Boston=:)

... said...

Hi there LB, thanks for dropping by again.

The car you mention is a Peugeot 203 from the early 60s I think.

I have just spattered it with paint to make something of an aged effect as it's part of my 1/43 scale diecast car collection which I am making into a minature junkyard for photographic purposes.

All part of my exploration of car culture and personal automobile history (when I was a kid I had a very destructive nature with regard to my toy cars) so I'm trying to recapture and re-appropriaate the boy that I was by repeating this childhood activity to a rather intense and perhaps obsessive level. An attempt at altering my reality I suppose in order to find material for art purposes and address my retrogresive psychopathology.

Also great fun trashing toy cars!



The Lone Beader® said...

You know, I once had a boyfriend who was really into building model cars & he collected the die cast miniatures as well, so I know all what goes into it, and why you do what you do. And, that's probably the reason why I'm into doing beaded cars with such detail... :D

Anyways, I think this type of hobby is definitely an art. Keep it up! I'm gonna add your blog to my Google reader.

Also, ever been to Autoworld in Brussels?? I'm headed over to London in Nov. for a visit, and I think I'm gonna go check that place out for a day trip... might give me some inspiration... :D